Success and Happiness
What it means to be successful varies from one person to another. For someone it can mean that you are happy living on a beach with nothing more than the clothes you are wearing in a small hut. It can be that you have lots of friend, have perfect health or that you have tons of money. Success and happiness can be so different depending on how you look at it, but no matter what you consider success, it all depends on your thoughts, ideas and beliefs.
Isn’t that strange? That our thoughts and ideas about what success, happiness and prosperity is, determine how we act, feel and live our lives.
It’s all in your mind
Someone who appreciates what he has attracts more of all the things, people and situations that will make him or her happy. It’s all in your mind. It’s often easier to feel a lack of something than to see the good things that are going well for you, but if you focus on the positive things you will feel lighter and raise your vibration. It will make you attract everything else that will make you feel great.
Do you want to feel different about yourself and your life?
Look at what you have right now and appreciate the things that are going well for you and the things that you like. See it and appreciate it much more than you do now.
Don’t strive for more without appreciating what you already have
If you want a positive change, if you want more, being thankful is a magical feeling that will raise your vibration and attract EVERYTHING else that will make you feel thankful.
Do you want to be happier, have more friends, be healthier, have more money?
It’s possible and within your reach, but you need to find that inner feeling that matches what you want. Being too tense and pushing forward will only make you exhausted. Being thankful is a great way to start finding the right energy to attract more of the good stuff.
I don’t mean that you should sit still and meditate and be peaceful and thankful all day long
That would probably be pretty boring and you would get nothing done, but be aware of what you have. Be thankful and find more of an inner peace. When you listen to your inner guidance and do mostly the things that makes you happy, you will start feeling inspired and that is a magical feeling that will bring you closer to what you want. You don’t need to push yourself as hard as you think. It’s better to follow your heart, your inspiration, the feeling that leads you towards what makes you feel happy and THEN work. Only when you work with a feeling of being inspired (instead of feeling “I need to do this”) and happy will you see the results that you want.
There is a big difference between working and feeling grateful and having fun compared to striving forward towards a goal that you think will magically make everything perfect. Find the feeling you want more of right now. One way to do it is by looking at what you already have and feeling good about it.
Wishing you a beautiful day,

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