Dammsugare är utan tvekan ett av Sveriges mest älskade bakverk. Du kan hitta den på nästan varje, café, kiosk eller bensinmack. Historien bakom dammsugare varierar något men det sägs att bakverket uppstod under kristider när det var ransonering på både socker och margarin. Allt skulle sparas och kakor som blivit för gamla eller gått sönder smulades ned tillsammans med äppelmos och punsch. Degen rullades ut tillsammans med ett lager grön marsipan och lite choklad. Namnet sägs komma ... VIEW POST
Hemmagjorda nyttiga dammsugare
Swedish Hoovers – Dammsugare
Swedish Hoovers is one of Sweden’s most loved pastries. It is a small, green cylinder rolled in marzipan with both ends dipped in chocolate and it is filled with a soft, sweet arrack flavored dough. Because of its resemblance to the old vacuum cleaners we used in the early 1900s they were named “Dammsugare” which is the Swedish word for vacuum cleaner. Since this is a new healthier version of the classic pastry I decided to give them a new name and my mother in law came up with the name ... VIEW POST
Salad with chevre, strawberries and apple with cinnamon
This combination of different flavors is fantastic. I got the idea a couple of weeks ago when I was in town and bought a smoothie and sandwich for lunch. It was a sandwich with chevre, strawberries and some sauce that tasted like cinnamon. A few days later I tried making a salad inspired by the sandwich. It turned out really nice. The combination between soft cheese, crisp walnuts, sweet strawberries and cinnamon apples is fantastic. Recipe, 2 servings Green salad of your choice 1 Avocado 1 ... VIEW POST