I saw this recipe a couple of weeks ago and thought it was a great idea for a healthy snack. I tried it and it was really good. As the apple slices are dried the flavor is intensified and it becomes much sweeter. You can decide if you want them crisp or a bit chewy by the time you keep them in the oven. They are really easy to make. Just slice the apple in thin slices, add cinnamon and put them in the oven. It will take a few hours but then you will have a healthy, whole food snack for yourself ... VIEW POST
Make your own healthy Apple Chips
Hemmagjorda äppelchips med kanel
Efter en lång julledighet kommer här ett recept på ett nyttigt snacks du lätt kan göra själv. Det tar lite tid för dom att torka, men själva tillagningstiden är kort. Det är egentligen bara att kärna ut äpplen, skiva dom i tunna skivor och pudra över med kanel. In i ugnen och så får de stå där och torka några timmar. Sedan har du ett sött, gott godis som är bra när sockertarmen vill ha något. Jättebra att ta till om barnen är lite sugna på något innan maten, som bra komplement till ... VIEW POST
Salad with chevre, strawberries and apple with cinnamon
This combination of different flavors is fantastic. I got the idea a couple of weeks ago when I was in town and bought a smoothie and sandwich for lunch. It was a sandwich with chevre, strawberries and some sauce that tasted like cinnamon. A few days later I tried making a salad inspired by the sandwich. It turned out really nice. The combination between soft cheese, crisp walnuts, sweet strawberries and cinnamon apples is fantastic. Recipe, 2 servings Green salad of your choice 1 Avocado 1 ... VIEW POST