Healthy Christmas Rawfood Candy Recipes! Are you ready for the most exciting and healthiest Christmas ever? Ten wonderful recipes with classics like chocolate covered fudge, butterscotch fudge, marzipan and peppermint truffles. These all-natural recipes are based on only wholesome ingredients and they are gluten-free, dairy-free and made with natural sweeteners like honey, dates or coconut sugar. I have now created a luscious collection of wholesome and delish, healthy recipes. My brand new ... VIEW POST
Learn How To Make Healthy Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Treats
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Are you ready for some perfect chocolate chip cookies that taste out of this world? I've been thinking about making chocolate chip cookies for a while now and last week after googling and searching I found this recipe on "Texanerin Baking" . The pictures of her chocolate chip cookies were so beautiful that I couldn't resist baking them and they turned out to be just as tasty as they looked. These cookies are bursting with flavor and sure to be your new favorite healthy indulgence. This is the ... VIEW POST