Healthy Christmas Rawfood Candy Recipes! Are you ready for the most exciting and healthiest Christmas ever? Ten wonderful recipes with classics like chocolate covered fudge, butterscotch fudge, marzipan and peppermint truffles. These all-natural recipes are based on only wholesome ingredients and they are gluten-free, dairy-free and made with natural sweeteners like honey, dates or coconut sugar. I have now created a luscious collection of wholesome and delish, healthy recipes. My brand new ... VIEW POST
Learn How To Make Healthy Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Treats
Banana With Raw Chocolate Sauce
Banana With Raw Chocolate Sauce Witout a doubt breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I absolutely love it! This banana chocolate breakfast is easy to put together and it's so good. Just put all of the ingredients for the chocolate sauce in a blender, slice the banana, toast some hazelnuts and you have a nice, healthy breakfast in no time. Experiment with the toppings as much as you like. Perhaps some whipped coconut cream with vanilla extract would be nice? Recipe, 1 serving 1 ripe ... VIEW POST
Raw fudge pops
Satisfy any sweet tooth with these cute raw fudge pops. This weekend I experimented with new raw food recipes and this is one of my new creations. Raw fudge pops. They would be perfect for any birthday party. I only made seven fudge pops this time and they were eaten as soon as I had taken the pictures for this blog post. My youngest daughter asked me about a hundred times if I was finished soon so she could have one. They were a big hit! For the fudge I used medjool dates and vanilla blended ... VIEW POST