Making a green juice in the morning (or any time ) is the best gift you can give yourself. This juice is sweet and full of fantastic ingredients that will help your body get rid of toxins, it will purify your blood, hydrate your body and give you lots of vitamins and minerals. Easier to absorb all the nutrients Juicing can be enormously beneficial for health and it’s a great way to add nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Many of us don’t eat enough greens and juicing is an easy way to ... VIEW POST
The benefits of juicing
Refreshing lemon, mango & carrot juice
Recipe, 2 glasses 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 Medium sized carrots 1 Orange ½ cup Mango, (I use frozen mango) 3/4 cup Water 2 Dates Directions Peel the carrots and cut off the ends. Cut them into chunks and put them in a high speed blender together with all the other ingredients. Mix until smooth. ... VIEW POST
Super Healthy Green Detox Juice
Making a green juice in the morning (or any time ) is the best gift you can give yourself. This juice is sweet and full of fantastic ingredients that will help your body get rid of toxins, it will purify your blood, hydrate your body and give you lots of vitamins and minerals. What are the benefits of juicing? Juicing can be enormously beneficial for health and it’s a great way to add nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Many of us don’t eat enough greens and juicing is an easy way to ... VIEW POST
Min favorit juicer
Mer juice och näring med en slowjuicer Jag älskar min juicemaskin Omega slowjuicer. Jag har haft den i flera år och jag är verkligen jättenöjd med den. Jag rekommenderar den varmt till alla som vill börja ett nytt, grönt liv. Den är tyst, den har en snygg design och den är relativt enkel att rengöra. Jag läste på länge innan jag valde just det här märket och anledningen till att det blev en slowjuicer istället för en vanlig juicepress är att man får ut mycket mer juice ur sina grönsaker och ... VIEW POST
My Favorite Juicer
I am using a low speed juicer from Omega. I love it. It is quiet, it has a nice design and it is easy to clean up. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to start juicing. I’m using it daily for making juices. It does take some time to make the juice but it’s totally worth it. It’s extremely durable, reliable and it can also juice wheatgrass (most juicers cannot do this, so you often have to buy a separate wheatgrass juicer). Easy to clean My biggest concern when choosing a juicer was how ... VIEW POST