You are a creator of your own life.
You are making up your reality as we speak and your self-talk is so important to your well being and your happiness. If you are saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “I cannot accomplish this or that” you are telling yourself that you are not worthy and that message will resonate throughout your whole body and every cell in your will act as if that’s the truth. Be your own coach and start talking like the best, most expensive self-help coach would.
Change the way you think of yourself.
Start by saying “I love you” every time you see yourself in the mirror. Your self-talk is the most important thing in your life. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist showed us that thoughts can change the molecular structure of water and he did several experiments where he put labels with different words and statements on jugs of water. Some words were positive and some were negative like “I hate you”, “I wish you were dead” and “I love you”, “You are beautiful”.
He took a drop of water from each container and put it on a cover slip. After the drops of water had been frozen, he looked at them and photographed them in a microscope. What he saw was amazing. The drops he had taken from the jugs with a positive note on them became beautiful ice crystals with pretty patterns and the drops from the jugs with negative words had become ugly, distorted lumps of ice.
New, healthy habits.
Just as the experiments show that water can be altered into beautiful crystals if you send positive thoughts to it so can you too affect your own body and mind with the things you say and think. If you want you can start implementing new, healthy habits and start thinking differently.
I have two suggestions: start by making your own love infused water and make a shift in how you talk to yourself. To make your own love infused water, just pour regular tap water or distilled water in a container with one or several notes on it with positive words or sentences. Let it sit over night to marinate in the frequency of these loving words. Have a glass of water as you wake up next morning and drink the rest of the water during the day.
Write down a few positive statements about yourself that feels good when you read them out loud. It can be statements like “I love myself”, “I am beautiful”, “I am a great mother”, “I am a good friend”, “I am talented”. It doesn’t matter what statements you choose as long as they are positive and you feel good saying them, even if it may feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. Read your note every morning as you wake up and feel the feeling of love as you read it. Feel how you are appreciating yourself. When you do this, you are sending yourself positive, loving thoughts that will let your body know that you are loving yourself and it will start resonate in every cell of your body.
You are worthy of anything you want.
If you want to change how you feel about yourself you need to decide that you are worthy of abundance and prosperity. You are! You are worthy of anything you want, but you need to start talking to yourself as if you mean it and you need to change the way you look at yourself. Start by making this healthy water and drink it every day to fuel your body with positive energy. Begin to make small changes in the way you talk to yourself and in the beginning, it might feel a bit awkward, but don’t let that stop you. As you start talking to yourself with love and acceptance you it will bring about a change on the inside and that change will start showing on the outside as the feeling grows stronger.
You are powerful.
You just need to find that feeling of beauty and power within. We all have it, but only few of us are in contact with this feeling of inner guidance and power. Do you want to find it? Stop searching for it on the outside. It’s not there. It’s on your inside. You are the power! You are love. You are beauty. You may not feel it, but it’s there. You were born perfect and you are still perfect. If you don’t feel it, it’s because you have negative self-talk and negative memories cluttering your mind.Self-love brings self-respect.
You are your own best medicine.
No one else will have the same positive effect on your own health as you do. Your own words will bring you happiness and when you start sending love to yourself you will soon see results in your life. You will feel more confident, you will start making new, healthier choices and people are going to notice the change and start treating you differently. Self-love brings self-respect. Self-respect is all about taking yourself seriously and other people will notice your new attitude and change their attitude towards you. What you are sending out, you will receive. Self love will give you love and abundance. This is a process and not a quick fix. You might not see any changes in a while, but keep doing it and keep making up new ways to send yourself love.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and let me know if you have tried exercises like this or something similar. How did it work?
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