Seriously awesome Raw food cake that will satisfy every craving Ahhh, this chocolate and peanut butter raw cake is just amazing. It's so rich in flavor and tastes super indulgent, but is made with all healthy ingredients! The combination of dark chocolate, creamy gooey peanut butter filling, a layer of sweet dates and crips chocolate topping makes this raw peanut butter cake almost irresistible. I didn't really intend to make this cake a frozen cake, but as I put it in the freezer to make it ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free & Raw Frozen Snickers Cake
Raw food snacks – Marzipan!
I made this little frog together with Cornelia, my oldest daughter this weekend. I had some marzipan leftovers from last week when I made Swedish Hoovers and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. What do you make with a big lump of green marzipan? The first thing that came to my mind was - a frog! For the tongue and eyes I used icing that I had left from last Christmas and the dark spot in the eyes are chocolate. I haven’t tried coloring the marzipan in other colors yet, but I´m thinking that ... VIEW POST