Healthy Christmas Rawfood Candy Recipes! Are you ready for the most exciting and healthiest Christmas ever? Ten wonderful recipes with classics like chocolate covered fudge, butterscotch fudge, marzipan and peppermint truffles. These all-natural recipes are based on only wholesome ingredients and they are gluten-free, dairy-free and made with natural sweeteners like honey, dates or coconut sugar. I have now created a luscious collection of wholesome and delish, healthy recipes. My brand new ... VIEW POST
Learn How To Make Healthy Raw, Vegan, Gluten-Free Treats
Raw Food Semlor – New and Updated Recipe!
It's this time of year when Swedish cafes are full of semla everywhere and I have just made a new batch of my own raw Swedish semla. This time I made the bun more moist and I added more of the cardamom to add even more of the lovely flavors. The whipped cream is made by coconut cream, vanilla essence and agave syrup, but I'm wondering if maybe it would be nice to use ordinary whipped cream or a vegan whipped cream instead. I'll try that next time. Find the recipe here >> ... VIEW POST
Healthy Fudgy Nutella Brownies (Raw, Gluten Free)
A lovely morning... It's sunday morning and I have just come back after a long walk. It's still winter here in Sweden and even though I always enjoy my walks, it's even better when I get back inside and make myself a cup of hot tea. My favorite place in the house is by the large fireplace. I love hearing the the snap, crackle, pop sound in the fireplace. It reminds me of when I was young and lived at home with my parents. My dad used to lit the fireplace on holidays and I remember sitting ... VIEW POST
Världens godaste energibar!
När vår äldsta dotter började ny skola nu till hösten så ville hon ha med sig något gott och nyttigt mellanmål så jag gjorde det här receptet på energibars med jordnötssmör. Dom är både mättande, goda och lätta att ta med när du skall iväg någonstans. Jag har provat att göra nyttobars förut, men det här är första gången de blir riktigt lyckade. De är fasta, knapriga och ändå lite lagom mjuka med precis rätt sötma. Det är inte ett måste att doppa dom i choklad, men det ger en riktigt god kontrast ... VIEW POST
Raw No-Bake Dark Chocolate Mint
Almond date base, layered with a peppermint cream, topped with dark, crisp chocolate. Completely raw, vegan, sugar-free, gluten free and absolutely delicious! A perfect for dessert for any occasion and it is so good you wouldn’t even know it was healthy! These freeze well, so feel free to make them ahead of time and store them in the freezer until ready to serve. Recipe, 35 pieces 2,5 cups cashew nuts 1 cup baby spinach 3/4 cup agave syrup 2,5 teaspoons peppermint essence 2 cups almonds 3 ... VIEW POST
Raw food snacks – Marzipan!
I made this little frog together with Cornelia, my oldest daughter this weekend. I had some marzipan leftovers from last week when I made Swedish Hoovers and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. What do you make with a big lump of green marzipan? The first thing that came to my mind was - a frog! For the tongue and eyes I used icing that I had left from last Christmas and the dark spot in the eyes are chocolate. I haven’t tried coloring the marzipan in other colors yet, but I´m thinking that ... VIEW POST
Sweet dates with hazelnuts and seasalt
Delicious raw food snacks Medjool dates are nature’s candy. They have a soft, creamy, slightly chewy texture. They are perfect to use as a sweetener in raw food sweets or eat them just as they are. and are filled with fiber, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. A pinch of flake salt enters as a background note, adding a lingering taste that rounds out the sweetness. Recipe 20 Medjool dates 40 Hazelnuts Dark chocolate Flake salt Take a date, make a vertical cut deep enough to remove the ... VIEW POST
Chocolate-covered strawberries on a stick
A bouquet of strawberries dipped in chocolate. This is a nice homemade gift that you can bring instead of flowers or a bottle of wine. Recipe Fresh strawberries Dark chocolate Roasted pistachio nuts, diced into very small pieces Coconut flakes Wooden sticks A pretty ribbon Put each strawberry on a stick and dip two thirds of it in melted chocolate. Wait until the chocolate is almost dry and sprinkle half of the strawberries with pistachio nuts and the other half with coconut flakes. It´s also ... VIEW POST