My favorite low carb crisp bread Today I've spent some time in my kitchen making my favorite crispbread. I always keep a batch of these crispy snacks at home. I have a large glass jar at home in my kitchen on the counter and I like having a big piece of the crisp bread with mashed avocado, tomatoes, flake salt a cup of tea and. Crispbread is a crunchy, delicate platform for butter, cheese, hummus and anything at all savory. They are a superb crunchy accompaniment to soup, too. High in protein, ... VIEW POST
Swedish Crispbread With Peanut Butter & Chia
Rawfoodgodis – glutenfria mint och chokladrutor
Raw food kakor och efterrätter är så roligt att göra. Det är oftast ganska lätt att svänga ihop och det blir så gott. Det är svårt att tro att nötter, dadlar och kakao kan gå att jämföra med vanliga bakverk, men det kan det verkligen. Jag unnar mig ibland "vanliga" kakor som jag fortfarande tycker om, men det blir inte så ofta numera. När godistarmen talar om att den vill ha något brukar den bli riktig glad över en hemmagjord raw food kaka. De är otroligt smakrika och oftast ganska mättande så ... VIEW POST
Raw No-Bake Dark Chocolate Mint
Almond date base, layered with a peppermint cream, topped with dark, crisp chocolate. Completely raw, vegan, sugar-free, gluten free and absolutely delicious! A perfect for dessert for any occasion and it is so good you wouldn’t even know it was healthy! These freeze well, so feel free to make them ahead of time and store them in the freezer until ready to serve. Recipe, 35 pieces 2,5 cups cashew nuts 1 cup baby spinach 3/4 cup agave syrup 2,5 teaspoons peppermint essence 2 cups almonds 3 ... VIEW POST
Raw fudge pops
Satisfy any sweet tooth with these cute raw fudge pops. This weekend I experimented with new raw food recipes and this is one of my new creations. Raw fudge pops. They would be perfect for any birthday party. I only made seven fudge pops this time and they were eaten as soon as I had taken the pictures for this blog post. My youngest daughter asked me about a hundred times if I was finished soon so she could have one. They were a big hit! For the fudge I used medjool dates and vanilla blended ... VIEW POST
Sweet dates with hazelnuts and seasalt
Delicious raw food snacks Medjool dates are nature’s candy. They have a soft, creamy, slightly chewy texture. They are perfect to use as a sweetener in raw food sweets or eat them just as they are. and are filled with fiber, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. A pinch of flake salt enters as a background note, adding a lingering taste that rounds out the sweetness. Recipe 20 Medjool dates 40 Hazelnuts Dark chocolate Flake salt Take a date, make a vertical cut deep enough to remove the ... VIEW POST