Raw food chocolate mousse cake Baking cakes has always been one of my favorite things to do. Ever since I was a child I've always loved being in the kitchen baking and making a mess. It wasn't always a success, but it was always so much fun being surrounded with flour, kitchen tools, and dough all the way up to my elbows. One of my most cherished childhood memories is coming home from school and be greeted by my grandmother. She was always at home baking and cooking. I can still remember the ... VIEW POST
Healthy Raw Chocolate Mousse Cake
Världens godaste energibar!
När vår äldsta dotter började ny skola nu till hösten så ville hon ha med sig något gott och nyttigt mellanmål så jag gjorde det här receptet på energibars med jordnötssmör. Dom är både mättande, goda och lätta att ta med när du skall iväg någonstans. Jag har provat att göra nyttobars förut, men det här är första gången de blir riktigt lyckade. De är fasta, knapriga och ändå lite lagom mjuka med precis rätt sötma. Det är inte ett måste att doppa dom i choklad, men det ger en riktigt god kontrast ... VIEW POST
Chocolate Covered Strawberries With Salted Peanuts
The strawberries are pretty together with some fresh flowers. These chocolate covered strawberries are perfect as a healthy snack on your summer party. The salted nuts goes perfect with the sweet strawberries and dark chocolate. I made these strawberries a couple of days ago when I had some friends over. I put them on a baking sheet while they were still wet and it was so pretty with the strawberries and the sprinkled nuts so I just decorated with some fresh flowers from my garden and served ... VIEW POST
Nyttig rawfoodbakelse med chokladmousse
Att baka har alltid varit något jag älskat att göra. Ända sedan jag var liten har jag stått i köket och vispat ihop något gott. Det var inte alltid det blev så lyckat i början, men det var alltid lika roligt att stå där med vispar, mjöl och kladd ända upp till armbågarna. Mina bästa minnen från barndomen är min underbara, snälla farmor som nästan varje dag stod hemma i köket och bakade bröd eller kakor. Varje dag när jag kom hem från skolan så doftade det ljuvligt av något nybakat och favoriten ... VIEW POST
Raw No-Bake Dark Chocolate Mint
Almond date base, layered with a peppermint cream, topped with dark, crisp chocolate. Completely raw, vegan, sugar-free, gluten free and absolutely delicious! A perfect for dessert for any occasion and it is so good you wouldn’t even know it was healthy! These freeze well, so feel free to make them ahead of time and store them in the freezer until ready to serve. Recipe, 35 pieces 2,5 cups cashew nuts 1 cup baby spinach 3/4 cup agave syrup 2,5 teaspoons peppermint essence 2 cups almonds 3 ... VIEW POST
Absolutely delicious raw tomato and cheese pie!
A pie crust with the most delicious flavors Recipe Crust 1 cup almond fluor 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/3 cup soaked sundried tomatoes 1/2 tea spoon salt Filling 1 cup cashews 3/4 cup grated västerbotten cheese or other grated hard cheese with strong flavor 1/2 cup water 3/4 tea spoon salt 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1/2 cup soaked and finely chopped sundried tomatoes 3 cups finely chopped arugula 4 table spoons finely chopped leek or chives A handful black olives, cherry ... VIEW POST
How to Make Beautiful Sugar Frosted Flowers
Adding flowers to your food can be a nice way to add color and a different spice to your dish. There are a lot of edible flowers and leaves that you can use in your cooking - lilacs, lavender, day lily, pansies, squash blossom, petunia, dandelions, red clover, tulips, violets, honeysuckle, rose and many more. You can also take off the petals and use them individually. Most fruit tree blossoms are edible so you could try these too or try this same technique to sugar frost berries or fruit. ... VIEW POST
Raw food snacks – Snickers
These cute little raw food snacks are a new version of one of my old recipes - Snickers bars. I´m bringing one of the boxes as a gift to a dinner party and the other one is for a friend who wants to start eating healthier foods. She has just begun experimenting with different raw food recipes and I thought this might inspire here. The snickers bars are one of my personal favorite recipes. They are so good. The soft, sweet filling together with pieces of salted nuts and a crisp outside crust are ... VIEW POST
Living food for better health
What is living food? Living foods are raw foods in its purest, freshest form that are consumed raw and not heated beyond 116.6F. The difference between live and raw foods is the sprouting. When you sprout nuts and seeds it enhances the life force in the food and all the enzymes are awakened - Living food. These enzymes are essential for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy and for repairing all tissues, organs, and cells. Heating the food beyond 116.6F means that all these ... VIEW POST
Raw food snacks – Marzipan!
I made this little frog together with Cornelia, my oldest daughter this weekend. I had some marzipan leftovers from last week when I made Swedish Hoovers and I wasn’t sure what to do with it. What do you make with a big lump of green marzipan? The first thing that came to my mind was - a frog! For the tongue and eyes I used icing that I had left from last Christmas and the dark spot in the eyes are chocolate. I haven’t tried coloring the marzipan in other colors yet, but I´m thinking that ... VIEW POST
Raw food snacks – marsipangroda!
Jag gjorde den här lilla marsipangrodan tillsammans med min dotter Cornelia i helgen. Vi hade lite marsipan kvar från förra veckan när jag gjorde nyttiga dammsugare och jag visste inte riktigt vad jag skulle göra med den. Vad gör man med en stor klump grön marsipan? Det första jag kom att tänka på var en groda. För att göra tunga och ögon använde jag glasyr från förra årets pepparkaksbak och till de mörka prickarna i ögonen fick det bli lite smält choklad. Jag har inte provat att färga ... VIEW POST
Raw food bars – just like snickers!
I've made this recipe it many times and it tastes just like Snickers but instead of artificial flavorings and white sugar you get healthy ingredients like almonds, dates and dark chocolate. Try it – you won’t be disappointed! Recipe, 5 bars 1 1/2 cup Dates 1/2 cup Almonds 1/2 Teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla powder 1/4 cup Salted peanuts, maybe a little more… 50g Dark chocolate A pinch of salt Bottom layer Put the almonds, vanilla extract, 1/2 cup of dates and a pinch of salt in a high ... VIEW POST