Lite vintermys Det är söndag morgon och jag har precis kommit hem efter en lång promenad ute i det krispiga, kalla vädret. Även om jag älskar mina långpromenader så är ändå det bästa att komma hem och göra en stor, varm kopp te. Näsan är alldeles röd och jag kurar ihop mig i soffan med datorn i knät för att skriva om det här receptet som jag gjorde förra veckan. Hasselnötskräm som ger mersmak... Jag har hittat en produkt som är helt sagolikt god - ekologisk chokladkräm gjord av Kung ... VIEW POST
Nyttiga brownies
Rawfoodtårta med blåbärsmousse
Rawfoodkaka med blåbärsmousse I vanliga fall gör jag mest rawfoodkakor med choklad, men nu var jag sugen på att prova något nytt. I dag provade jag att blanda blåbär, kokosgrädde och en gnutta rivet apelsinskal med cashewnötter och det blev en riktigt härlig, krämig smet. Den skulle man nästan kunna äta precis som den är med lite färska bär till, men jag ville prova att göra en nötbotten till så jag malde pecannötter och mina favoritdadlar - medjooldadlar till en smulig massa och använde som ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free Saffron Buns
Saffron (Lucia) buns with almond paste I enjoy Christmas baking so much and this year I wanted to try something new. I always make saffron buns and this time I added some grated almond paste in the dough to make them extra moist and it turned out really great. The saffron buns were sweet, moist with a flavor of both saffron and almond. This recipe is a definately keeper. Lucia Buns are, as the name suggests, traditionallay eaten at Lucia celebrations on 13 December in Sweden. These fragrant ... VIEW POST
Raw marzipan and truffle
Last week I made these wonderful marzipan/truffle treats. I think they lasted about two days or so before we had eaten them all so now I have to make a new batch and hide them so they will last until Christmas. I made small marzipan bites and a couple of marzipan rolls. The small bites takes a little more time to make and if you don't want to spend the whole evening rolling marzipan balls, go ahead and make the rolls. They are just as tasty as the marzipan bites. Recipe Marzipan 2 cups ... VIEW POST
Raw Gingerbread Bites (Gluten Free)
Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year. I love, love, love Christmas. I’ve been humming christmas music since October while making my gingerbread house. This year it’s going to be a mini gingerbread village. It’s so cute. I will post a picture here as soon as its finished. These gingerbread bites are really easy to make. Just mix the dough and roll into little balls. Enjoy! My Christmas front door decoration Recipe 1 cup Pitted dates (I use medjool dates) 1 cup Almond flour 1/2 cup ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Are you ready for some perfect chocolate chip cookies that taste out of this world? I've been thinking about making chocolate chip cookies for a while now and last week after googling and searching I found this recipe on "Texanerin Baking" . The pictures of her chocolate chip cookies were so beautiful that I couldn't resist baking them and they turned out to be just as tasty as they looked. These cookies are bursting with flavor and sure to be your new favorite healthy indulgence. This is the ... VIEW POST
Immunity Boosting Green Smoothie
This juice is filled with loveliness from both spinach, mango, celery and fennel. A lovely combination that gives this green juice a sweet, slightly exotic, mild flavor of licorice. Perfect as a evening snack or as a to-go-drink if you want to bring it with you. I love this juice. It's sweetness brings joy to my taste buds and I feel like Superwoman after taking this liquid supershot. It's filled with a combination of all things lovely. Greens and fruits blended into a green super drink. Drink ... VIEW POST
Raw Dreamcake With Blueberries
Raw food cake with blueberry mousse I usually make raw food cakes with chocolate, but today I wanted to try something new. I've never made a raw food cake with fruits before and so today I tried a combination with blueberries, coconut cream, orange zest and cashew nuts. The result...a creamy, fluffy mousse that tasted so good! I could easily have eaten the mousse just as it was with some berries, but I wanted to try and make a crust so I threw in some pecan nuts and my favorite dates - medjool ... VIEW POST
Vegetarisk lasagne
Mitt bästa recept på vegetarisk lasagne. Det här receptet har jag använt många gånger till både kalas och för att göra lunchlådor till mig själv. Det är så bra för att det blir mycket mat, alla tycker om den, det är lätt att göra och den går att förbereda halvvägs eller laga några dagar innan så att det inte blir så mycket jobb samma dag du har bjudning. Grunden är en sås som även går att använda som vegetarisk "köttfärssås". Basen är mycket finhackad champinjon och purjo som gör såsen matig och ... VIEW POST
Vegetable Lasagna
My best recipe for vegetable lasagna This lasagna is one of my favorite recipes. I have made it many, many times the last two years since I came up with the recipe and I'm still in love with it. It gives me lots of food for myself (I make lots of lunch boxes and keep in the freezer) or when I'm having friends over for dinner. Everyone loves it and it's serves many, hungry guests. Whether your a vegetarian or not, this is a creamy lasagna with lots of flavor that everyone will love. This is a ... VIEW POST
Thai Coconut Lemongrass Soup
Today I've spent the whole day in my kitchen and experimented with new recipes. I was so excited about the new blueberry raw food cake that I was making and I totally forgot about lunch. When I was finished with my cake I was starving and I threw in some ingredients that I had at home in a pan and let them simmer for about twenty minutes. To my surprise it turned out really, really good. I used two of my favorite spices...lemongrass and lime leaves. I just love how they taste and combined the ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free Cupcakes
Today I made mini chocolate cupcakes with an amazing, raw, creamy, chocolate frosting. I am so pleased with the way these cupcakes turned out. They're moist, soft and just totally delicious. These mini chocolate cupcakes are gluten free, lactose free and with no white sugar so you can enjoy them without feeling guilty. I love this kind of baking where you just add healthy ingredients and end up with beautiful, delicious pastry that is so much healthier than any regular cake you'll find in the ... VIEW POST