This cake so delicious that it's hard to believe that it's raw and healthy. Last week when I was experimenting with new raw food recipes I came up with this recipe. A raw chocolate cake - the best I have made so far. It has a rich, sweet flavor and it is so soft it almost melts in your mouth. I invited some friends over and we ate it all! Most of them had never tried raw food before and they couldn’t believe this was made by purely healthy ingredients. It was so good. Recipe Crust 1 1/4 cups ... VIEW POST
Raw vegan chocolate cake
Healthy Peanut Butter Bites
When our oldest daughter started a new school this autumn she wanted to bring a healthy snack, so I tried a new recipe of healthy energy bars with peanut butter. They are so yummy and easy to bring with you. I’ve tried making healthy bars before, but this time I really succeeded. This peanut butter bar is soft with crunchy bits of Rice Krispies and almonds and they have just the right amount of sweetness. The first batch only lasted a few days. It was meant for her to bring one to school each ... VIEW POST
Världens godaste energibar!
När vår äldsta dotter började ny skola nu till hösten så ville hon ha med sig något gott och nyttigt mellanmål så jag gjorde det här receptet på energibars med jordnötssmör. Dom är både mättande, goda och lätta att ta med när du skall iväg någonstans. Jag har provat att göra nyttobars förut, men det här är första gången de blir riktigt lyckade. De är fasta, knapriga och ändå lite lagom mjuka med precis rätt sötma. Det är inte ett måste att doppa dom i choklad, men det ger en riktigt god kontrast ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free Pancakes
The other night when I was going to make ordinary, gluten free pancakes for my youngest daughters school trip I just just threw in the different kinds of flour I had at home in a bowl. I didn't feel like preparing food and I made the batter in a hurry without looking at the recipe. The batter became way too thick and I thought I would have to throw it all away, but when I poured a scoop the batter in my pan and cooked it, it turned out like this perfect, delicious, thick pancake. I added some ... VIEW POST
Healthy Breakfast Banana Split
My favorite breakfast....healthy banana split! You have to try this recipe. It's so good, satisfying, easy to make and healthy. Perfect as breakfast or a snack. I've been enjoying this breakfast the last couple of days and I love it. You'll make the strawberry chia jam in just a couple of minutes and then it will last for several days in the fridge. I swirl my jam into my morning yogurt, with my gluten free pancakes or spread over toast with peanut butter. It's a great alternative to ordinary ... VIEW POST
Gluten Free & Raw Frozen Snickers Cake
Seriously awesome Raw food cake that will satisfy every craving Ahhh, this chocolate and peanut butter raw cake is just amazing. It's so rich in flavor and tastes super indulgent, but is made with all healthy ingredients! The combination of dark chocolate, creamy gooey peanut butter filling, a layer of sweet dates and crips chocolate topping makes this raw peanut butter cake almost irresistible. I didn't really intend to make this cake a frozen cake, but as I put it in the freezer to make it ... VIEW POST
Chocolate Covered Strawberries With Salted Peanuts
The strawberries are pretty together with some fresh flowers. These chocolate covered strawberries are perfect as a healthy snack on your summer party. The salted nuts goes perfect with the sweet strawberries and dark chocolate. I made these strawberries a couple of days ago when I had some friends over. I put them on a baking sheet while they were still wet and it was so pretty with the strawberries and the sprinkled nuts so I just decorated with some fresh flowers from my garden and served ... VIEW POST
Simple, Healthy Lunch In A Melon Bowl
This is one of the easiest way to make a delicious and healthy meal fast. Just scoop out the meat from a melon and add a few ingredients. Toss them all together and fill the melon bowl. I added some cooked quinoa to my salad to make it more satisfying and add some more proteins. So good. Recipe, 2 servings 1 canary melon 2 avocados, cut into small cubes 10 sundried tomatoes in oil 1 cup arugula, chopped in large pieces 1 cup cooked quinoa Directions Cut the melon in half crosswise. ... VIEW POST
Nyttig rawfoodbakelse med chokladmousse
Att baka har alltid varit något jag älskat att göra. Ända sedan jag var liten har jag stått i köket och vispat ihop något gott. Det var inte alltid det blev så lyckat i början, men det var alltid lika roligt att stå där med vispar, mjöl och kladd ända upp till armbågarna. Mina bästa minnen från barndomen är min underbara, snälla farmor som nästan varje dag stod hemma i köket och bakade bröd eller kakor. Varje dag när jag kom hem från skolan så doftade det ljuvligt av något nybakat och favoriten ... VIEW POST
Absolutely delicious raw tomato and cheese pie!
A pie crust with the most delicious flavors Recipe Crust 1 cup almond fluor 1/2 cup sunflower seeds 1/3 cup soaked sundried tomatoes 1/2 tea spoon salt Filling 1 cup cashews 3/4 cup grated västerbotten cheese or other grated hard cheese with strong flavor 1/2 cup water 3/4 tea spoon salt 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts 1/2 cup soaked and finely chopped sundried tomatoes 3 cups finely chopped arugula 4 table spoons finely chopped leek or chives A handful black olives, cherry ... VIEW POST
Heavenly Delicious Beetroot Burger
Beetroots with chèvre and honey are definitely one of my favourite flavors together. I just love it. In this recipe I've combined beetroot with finely chopped sweet pear and some slightly melted chèvre cheese served with some fresh good.....and it's so easy to make. You have to try it! Besides tasting great beetroots are also super healthy... Top reasons to eat more beetroots... Beetroots lower blood pressure. Beets contain high amounts of nitrates, which allows the body to ... VIEW POST
Glowing Skin Miracle Juice
Get more nutrition by juicing Since I got my slow juicer a year ago I´ve been juicing every day. It´s one of my favorite kitchen tools. Juicing is an easy way to get a lot of nutrition and antioxidants and if you combine your juice ingredients well you will have a delicious juice. By juicing your vegetables you can absorb the nutrients easier (it goes right into your bloodstream) and you´re giving your body loads of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, chlorophyll and anti-oxidants. A great way to ... VIEW POST